probably, the best woman portrayed in fashion ever.
text by Gianguido Rossi
For sure Peter Lindbergh is not ded, and he will never be. His
contributors to fashion photography and at the photography in general
will stay for ever. I had the chance to meet this artist in life, and
more than this, I had the chance to work with him as photo assistant
at the beginning of my career at Super studio Milan and at the Pin Up
Paris. So I will be more than happy to also give a bit of my personal
experiences with him.
Peter Lindbergh
Digital photography gives the photographer a different way to use and interact with photography, digitals photographers “can make mistakes” during films era, it was not at all possible made any kind of mistakes, otherwise all the photo production were lost, forever!!! This is the biggest differences between today's photographers, and the master from the past.
He was part of the photographers that during the years 80/90/2000 has been able to create the real fashion photography story, artist such as Helmuth Newton, Bruce Weber, Mario Testino, Paolo Roversi, Hellen Von UNwert, these artists, with who I had the great honor to work with, has been able to create their own style fashion photography, and this is what will make them Immortal into fashion photography history. All those photographers has also in common the fact that they all start using and working with analogic photography instead of digital. And trust me, this it makes a big differences!
Above this we also could say that during the pastime, the photographers had much more time to organize and create photo shooting, I remember how Peter Lindbergh use to be able to call models many many days before and start to talk about the mood of the story he wanted to create with them, spending really days and days maybe looking films or reading books about the subject he wanted the model to get into to.
I remember how Peter Lindbergh use to be able to call models many many days before and start to talk about the mood of the story he wanted to create with them, spending really days and days maybe looking films or reading books about the subject he wanted the model to get into to.
This is something impossible even to imagine on today's time, usually the client pretend to have the photos already post product at the ends of the same day he will be at the studio for the photo shooting...!!!!
The photography that peter Lindbergh has been able to create it was a kind of photography I like to call emotional and some stylist able to drop on the model. This is Peter photography. Probably if I have to think about an adjective to describe his style I could use the word “women's portrait”
His style it has been mainly focused on women portraits, and black and withe was his way to transform it into photographic media. He also was a storyteller, he loved to made up incredible story picked up by books, novels, or movie.
In Any case his photography was very easy to him because that was his style, and he did not have to invent story, the stories used to come on his mind so easily and spontaneously. Yes all the magazine today's are telling and calling him as top models photographers, but actually he used to love shooting with young and unknowns models, and start to build up a character.
His style it has been mainly focused on women portraits, and black and withe was his way to transform it into photographic media. He also was a storyteller, he loved to made up incredible story picked up by books, novels, or movie.
We will not forget all his incredible fashion story created for American Vogue that at the beginning gives him the chance to express his great talented, Anna Withourt she was the Vogue director that as first believed in this young German photographer. Now please if you don't know his photography please by at least one of his book, and start to love his way to portray women, non photographer can grow and become big without passing trough this fashion photography name.
Thanks, Peter for all your kindness, and for all you left behind you as great human person and as great artist.
Bio and technical information
Peter Lindbergh born in
Poland in November 1944, is an international renowed German filmmaker and fashion photographer.
Hope you all guys enjoyed our new “Special” about ours talented, like Peter Lindberg
if you have some artist to present to us please contact us here or on
Instagram. Please remember that we only select photographers based on
Instagram tag and hashtag: @squeezemagazine #squeezetalent