Let's keep our tour around the world to meet some of the most interesting fashion photographers. Let's meet Desiree Mattsson's work.
I decided to analyze the work of Desiree, basically to put in evidence how effectively the universe of the portrait's photography since the social networks exist, is become much more popular typologies of photography, some times, even much more popuar than fashion photography itself.
Unfortunately we tried many times to contact the artist to organize an organic interview, but we never had any answer by the artist or her entourage, but considering her work fascinating and interesting, we gave this artist space in our magazine anyway.
Ok, first of all lets start to analyze her work by the point of view of the lighting technique. Her Photo shooting are realizing basically all in a studio space as location with a constant technique of lighting asset. In this environment we can find indistinctly as sobjects, models or celebrities, the expressive mood I can tell is for sure one-direction artist directed. Let me explain a bit better, in any subject to my point of view the artist is not trying to take out of the subject his personal and peculiar attitudes, but at the opposite, the subject is a guest into Desiree land where the mood is totally created and controlled by the artist emphasis.
This is the mood where the artist has the ability to make the subject loosing itself, there is not other way than artist way, and I can tell that all the models or celebrity are actually locked into this single view created by the artist sensibility. It could be very interesting to know and from where this kind of mood comes, from which personal or professional experiences she mutated this feeling.
From the point of view of the lighting technique I can tell that the lens are always frontal to the subject face using a small or medium soft box. She never organizes a super soft light mood, at the contrary there is always a well balance, between the light and the shadow that describe the face of the subject.
The expression on their face is in general an expression peaceful, but this tranquility is never mistaken as smiling face, never smiling actually.I can see some real strong proud on their face, a very deep gaze is something I also see in any portrait, but they still have a human hot human feeling. Their gazes invite the public to enter on their world, but very slowly and with not arrogance. They are open to public looks, but they want to keep anyway that little distance in any case from anyone.
Another extremely important element on her work, is the background, she never practically shooting without it. She has an incredible ability in using a flat paper back ground and transform it into a “location”. Using a paper background is extremely easy follow into a flat unreal space where the model is going to move, but on her photos the subject never seems isolated because of the flat background, at the opposite seems live in and for it, on her work...."no back ground.....no photo" , for sure!
In Desiree works' I can find a lot of inspiration, looking at some top fashion master photographer such as Avedon, Newton, Mert Alas, and this inspiration are not even too much subtle, but the artist has been able to reworked e reinterpreted, bringing them into her photo mood, so that we feel the inspiration, but can't feel to copy of it. For sure her best's photo subject are women, where she can get out of them their modern feminine energies and passion, but bringing them never to close, giving them always a little allure of out of reach.
Last super important element on her art is the post-production element. She doesn't really care to go to far with post-production, at the opposite she aims to go that far to make the subject to look almost unreal, but in the end are the eye the element that no matter how far she went with the retouch, they still and remain human eyes into a human face.
Hope you all guys enjoyed our new “Special” about ours talented,
if you have some artist to present to us please contact us here or on
Instagram. Please remember that we only select photographers based on
Instagram tag and hashtag: @squeezemagazine #squeezetalent